Find Your Confidence on the Dance Floor

I’m pleased to announce that registration for the free 5-day email challenge, Find Your Confidence on the Dance Floor, is officially open! 

Duffy, the owner of Dance Dress Couture, and I were chatting before the holidays about coming back to the competition dance floor after being away so long. There’s so much to think about when you’re competing! Frame, head position, foot technique, choreography, connection to our partner, musicality, timing…and don’t forget to smile! It’s easy to get caught up trying to think about all of these aspects all at once – we forget that dance is supposed to be fun.  

As we continue to navigate the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s important to be able to trust and believe in ourselves, so we can connect with our joy of dance. When we’re confident, we dance well and we dance happy!  

So for this year’s free email challenge, The Girl with the Tree Tattoo and Dance Dress Couture are teaming up to focus on finding that confidence again, so we can thrive as our true selves on the dance floor in 2022 and have fun while doing it. 🙂 

The details:

  • The email challenge starts January 10 and will run through January 15.
  • It’s 100% free to sign up.
  • Each day, you’ll receive an email with a daily thought and prompt designed to help you build your confidence as a dancer.
  • You’re welcome to reply to the email with your response or any questions/comments. Or if you want to keep your thoughts private but still want accountability, simply reply “done!”

If you want to participate in the challenge, but won’t have time January 10-15, no worries! You can still register and just go through the prompts when you do have time. 

Hope you’ll join us!

More Than a Guide to Practicing Ballroom

If you follow me on social media, then you probably noticed I was on a lot more than usual this past week. I went live on Facebook almost every day to tell the story behind the Solo Practice Guide. The funny thing was, as I was sharing the story so others could learn more about the Guide, I was realizing that my solo practice strategies have had a much greater impact than just improving how I practiced.

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Countdown to Millennium: 17 Days – Do It Scared

Before I forget, I’m going to be speaking on a live local talk show based in Hawaii tomorrow, June 5, at 4pm PST / 7pm EST. The show will be recorded and posted on YouTube, etc. and you can bet your dance shoes, I’ll share it. But it would be sooo cool if as many of my followers as possible tuned in live! You can watch online at I hope you can make it!

Ok, on to the blog post…

It’s just about two and a half weeks until my next competition.


2018 will definitely go down as a crazy year, simply for how many competitions I’ve been able to enter (not to mention the publication of the Solo Practice Guide!). Then there was the addition of a new style…wow!

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Some Follow-up Thoughts to My FloDance Interview

The release of my interview with FloDance on Saturday got me thinking about my journey so far in ballroom and as the Girl with the Tree Tattoo. It’s incredible to look back and see how much I’ve changed. A couple years ago, I would have been privately excited and proud of an interview like this, but outwardly I would have hid that excitement and felt embarrassed and almost guilty for “bragging” by sharing the video. Bragging in my head is a bad thing, something to be ashamed of, and calling attention to myself feels like a form of bragging. I still get squirmy about having attention on me, but the cool thing that’s happened is I’m realizing that it’s not really about me. It’s about the message I’m trying to convey to the world.

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Happy October everyone! Also known as the start of six months of trying to avoid too much weight gain. I love the holidays and all the treats that come with them, but there’s always a price. One way I avoid bringing too much candy and other holiday goodies into the house is reminding myself that the money I spend on treats is money I won’t have for dance!

Today wasn’t the best start to the month. It was day 2 of the second headache of the week. I still managed to do my solo practice. The last two Sundays I’ve practiced over two hours. I decided not to push myself too hard today and only did an hour. It was frustrating, but I’m doing my best to focus on the positive.

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